Personal Training

Your Personal Coach is your fitness partner

We all know what it feels like the first time we hit the gym. We’ve all been a little conscious about our form and unsure whether we’re doing the exercises properly. We go to the gym every day but see little effect until we get burned out and decide to quit. The thing is, it doesn’t have to be like that.

Our team of personal trainers customise your workout routine to fit your strength level, your body type and your lifestyle. They will work together with you throughout your fitness journey and help you correct your form and find the best workouts that will yield the best results for your body.

They will also teach you about diet and nutrition and even share with you their secrets to maintaining your physique.

Inside Out Health Club

Personal Coaches to help you through your fitness journey

Our team of personal trainers are among the best in the Gold Coast area. They will help you achieve your goal of becoming a better version of yourself.


Train With Us!

Our personal coaches are knowledgeable about the different body types and workout routines and they will help you find the best system that will yield the best results.

They are dedicated to helping you become a better version of yourself, without the risk of injury. Contact us today and we will partner you with a personal coach who will be your best buddy in the gym.

Give us a shout and let’s work on your fitness goals together.

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    Inside Out Health Club

    Ready to change your life?

    Get started today with a 5 Day FREE Trial!

    Health Warning!

    Training here can be seriously addictive and great for your health & fitness. Symptoms include, heavy perspiration, facial contortion during exercise, leading to an increased sense of wellbeing, and a permanent post workout smile.

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    Try Us For FREE!

    Enter your details to claim your 5 day FREE trial!

    You will be sent a confirmation email to show to reception. Your 5 day trial starts on the day of your first session.